
BoththeCandC++standardhavetheconceptofvolatileobjects.Thesearenormallyaccessedbypointersandusedforaccessinghardware.Thestandards ...,Chastheconceptofvolatileobjects.Thesearenormallyaccessedbypointersandusedforaccessinghardwareorinter-threadcommunication.Thestandard ...,2023年1月28日—並使用gcc-Os實驗volatile(GCCoptimalcompileflags)gcc還有許多優化例如浮點運算,多媒體,省電等與CPU有關的參數可以加速...

6.1 When is a Volatile Object Accessed?

Both the C and C++ standard have the concept of volatile objects. These are normally accessed by pointers and used for accessing hardware. The standards ...

6.49 When is a Volatile Object Accessed?

C has the concept of volatile objects. These are normally accessed by pointers and used for accessing hardware or inter-thread communication. The standard ...

c language

2023年1月28日 — 並使用gcc -Os 實驗volatile (GCC optimal compile flags) gcc 還有許多優化例如浮點運算, 多媒體, 省電等與CPU 有關的參數可以加速多媒體方面的應用 ...

C volatile Keyword

2022年5月26日 — 前面複習了volatile,但是實際上我們產生bug 的根本原因與volatile 定義或實作方式並沒有太大關係,主要在於GNU GCC 在code optimization 階段,進行local ...

Compiler optimization and the volatile keyword

Similarly, when used in the context of implementing a sleep or timer delay, declaring a variable as volatile tells the compiler that a specific type of ...

GCC with C++20 compound volatile warning · Issue #1544

2022年8月6日 — With GCC 10 and C++20, |=, &=, ++, -- operands on volatile keyword result in a warning for deprecated volatile keyword with compound ...

How do I know if gcc agrees that something is volatile?

2009年3月13日 — The keyword volatile acts as a hint. Much like the register keyword. However, volatile asks the compiler to keep all its optimizations at bay.

Inline Assembly & Memory Barrier

... GCC 認為只有在最後才會去對output operand 作寫入的動作,所以他們可能共用同一個register,這樣的話會導致錯誤. volatile 也可以搭配asm 作使用,反正就是用來阻止 ...

Is the definition of "volatile" this volatile, or is GCC having ...

2016年7月6日 — GCC's behavior may be conforming, and even if it isn't, you should not rely on volatile to do what you want in cases like these.


在程式設計中,尤其是在C語言、C++、C#和Java語言中,使用volatile關鍵字聲明的變數或對象通常具有與最佳化、多執行緒相關的特殊屬性。通常,volatile關鍵字是用來 ...

OblyTile - Windows 8 自己建立 Metro 介面動態磚

OblyTile - Windows 8 自己建立 Metro 介面動態磚
